Friday, November 27, 2009

25 minutes to a connecting flight

(before you read this, I'm confident that you are not...
What I mean is I'm pretty sure no one is reading this blog.
But, if you are, I'm new at this poetry thing, so don't judge me too harshly.)

25 minutes to a connecting flight

There’s a poem in this room
nameless airport
yellow walls cling with nicotine

So many people
seeking solace in a cigarette
with small talk about rooms in airports like these

They come and they go
the smoke witnesses all
glimmer of fresh air when the doors slide apart

There’s a poem in this room
but I can’t find it for all the smoke
So I guess I’ll have just another


casa da poesia said...

Yes!...She was a poet!... said...

There are poems all over these rooms and, but for the smoke, we could see them. As it is, all we can do is listen. But that's okay, come to think of it. Poetry is for listening, is for whispering into someone's ear, smoke be damned.

Unknown said...

I love it, Suki. You found it!