Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lost Valley

She dances across the rocks
arms akimbo like an airplane
happy eyes and skin
drink in
the devastating depth
look skyward
spirals of spindly branches
with splashes of
ruby, tangerine and liquid sun
that drip one by one
then float to the earth
and sleep.


There are thirty-two canoes and when it is quiet and dark they escape the cabin into the map of the river. The buffalo watches, wishing. He stoically stares at the map, waiting, wanting their adventures. He remembers the river- the smooth stones, the breeze; the sunset leaves against the blue sky. He closes his eyes and conjures up the smell of autumn and movement. He hears the laughter of the water. When he opens his eyes he is on the other side. The little men from the cabin float by. It had taken years of focus, patience, and determination, and the water tasted better than he had ever dreamed.


A girl
with budding breasts
and skin like peaches
lay on the scratchy
argyle blanket
In the field
looking up at the stars
next to a boy
she secretly loved
praying to God
that his hand would
brush against hers